
Thursday, May 16, 2013


Life of Sea | Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas) The Bull shark is also known as Zambezi sharks or unofficially known as Zambi in Africa and Nicaragua shark in Nicaragua. Bull shark is a shark common worldwide in warm, shallow waters along the coasts and in rivers. The Bull shark is known for its unpredictable, often aggressive behavior. The Bull shark is a potentially dangerous shark. They are very inquisitive and will likely show interest in you as you are diving in their waters. The Bull shark is the most abundant in sub-tropical to tropical coastal waters of South Africa, Mozambique, Mauritius, Myanmar, the Bahamas, Belize, Cuba, Costa Rica and the Bahamas.The Bull Sharks are most common in shallow waters in lagoons, bays and beaches along and are usually found in waters no deeper than 30 meters.

Bull sharks are the most common of about six species of river sharks: Ganges shark (Glyphis gangeticus), spear tooth shark (Glyphis glyphis), Irrawaddy rivers shark (Glyphis siamensis), Borneo river shark (Glyphis B. sp), and New Guinea river shark (Glyphis sp. C), which can travel between salt and fresh water and live in fresh water for longer periods. The Bull sharks are large shark with a firm body. The top of the shark is gray and the underside is white. Although bull sharks are heavy, they can still swim fast. Their muzzle is broader than long. Therefore they are calledBull sharkThe teeth are triangular, serrated and very sharp. The eyes are small. The female is larger than the male.
The Bull sharks will eat almost anything. They eat fish (including other sharks and rays), turtles, birds, molluscs, crustaceans, and dolphins. They are contained in sea mammals. Bull sharks are usually solitary hunters, but sometimes hunt in pairs. They often cruise through shallow waters.They can accelerate quickly and can be very aggressive. hey are very territorial and attack animals that enter their territory. Because Bull sharks often dwell in shallow waters, they more dangerous to humans than other species of sharks and, along with the tiger shark and great white shark, among the three shark species most likely to attack people.
Bull sharks are considered high risk and are considered one of the top four sharks responsible for attacks on humans. Not only do they exist in the ocean, but far above the river. Attacks are known to have happened in many rivers around the world. Many attacks in the past were attributed to white sharks, but researchers are now looking for the Bull shark as the main culprit of many attacks. As with the Tiger Shark, it's all about how you're around them, like most animals. Many divers interact with these sharks daily in South Africa and even the dive are non-nerving sometimes there are no incidents.

The Bull sharks are one of the most frequent attacker of people. They swim in very shallow water where people swim and is an aggressive shark. So do not forget to swim near river mouths or estuaries with turbid waters where Bull sharks are known to prevent avoidance. It is not allowed to swim near schools of fish along the coast. These schools are often chased by large predators.Last, you should be cautious if spearfishing. Bull sharks are known to spear fishermen carrying their catch approach. Bull sharks are considered one of the most dangerous species of tropical sharks, they are involved in a number of attacks on humans. They are commercially harvested and sold fresh, fresh frozen, or smoked for human consumption. They are also fins for shark fin soup.Their skins are sold for learning, for their liver oil, and their carcass for fishmeal.

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